Hare’s Path to the Moon

Oil on masonite
The Hare carries strong mythological significance in cultures from around the globe, including the Far East, Africa, Europe and the Americas. It symbolizes fertility, new beginnings, creation and madness (lunacy). The hare is often connected with lunar power and is also considered a divine messenger and bringer of light. In fact, it is thought that early Britons revered brown hares as gods and even gave them special burials. Read article from the Guardian >>
The European or brown hare is the largest of the hare species. It is native to Europe and parts of Asia and can be found in open, temperate environments. Hares are larger and faster than rabbits and can be distinguished by their longer ears and feet. They are also born with site and able to fend for themselves, while rabbits are born helpless and blind. For more about the hare visit the Wildlife Trusts >>
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