Hi! I'm currently exploring animals as symbols, patterns in nature and how the universal geometry of the cosmos can shine a light on the mysteries of our interconnected world. For recent explorations, watch the blog or sign up for my newsletter. I may post on IG or X before things show up here, so feel free to follow me there! Thank you for your interest! 💫

Originally from the east coast, US, I now live in Hampshire, UK with my biologist husband, curious daughter, sweet pooch and growing family of stick insects. Expand the sections below for details on my experience and feel free to contact me with questions or enquiries. Thank you!
Tamara Clark brings a range of experiences, skills and knowledge to her work as an illustrator, the scope of which has focused her vision on the importance of scientific and artistic collaboration in raising awareness about the issues facing the natural world.
Tamara received a B.A. in Biology from Goucher College in 1994 and an M.S. in Forest Ecology from the University of Maine in 1996. During her final summer in graduate school, she took a break from thesis writing to participate in a science illustration workshop at Eagle Hill Research Station, where she discovered how she could combine her interest in science and research with her skill and passion for art. From there she moved to Washington, DC where she was trained in traditional fish illustration at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History. She would continue to produce illustrations for the Smithsonian over many years, both at the museum and from a distance. After DC she settled in Woods Hole, MA where she produced images for scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory as well as the Smithsonian, Oceans Alliance, Harvard University Press, the Encyclopedia of Life among many other institutions and non-profits. During this time Tamara was involved in education, produced her own line of cards and prints from her watercolors, exhibited her work in markets and galleries and was active in the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators. While she was president of the New England chapter of the GNSI, she particularly enjoyed curating an exhibit (Darwin to Digital) which highlighted members’ works alongside those of historical science illustrations. She was also honored to create a visual presentation for TEDx Woods Hole which illuminated mirroring patterns in nature at various scales- a theme she is exploring in her current work.
Tamara currently lives in beautiful Hampshire, England where she continues to freelance for a range of clients and produce images of local wildlife. She is also expanding her work through her involvement with the Winchester Cathedral Scribes, the Prince’s School of Traditional Arts and the South Hampshire Calligraphers. She has recently enjoyed curating an exhibition of botanical art and calligraphy at Winchester Cathedral. She hopes each project she pursues will bring art and science together in ways that educate, inspire and communicate concepts which might otherwise remain hidden.
Full CV
- Training in Science Illustration: Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Washington, DC
- Training in Calligraphy and Illumination: Winchester Cathedral and Hampshire Calligraphers
- Training in Geometry: Princes School of Traditional Arts, London
- M.S. in Forest Ecology, University of Maine, Orono, ME, US B.S. in Biology: Goucher College, Baltimore, MD, US
- Continuing education through the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, The Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts, London, Winchester Cathedral Scribes, Hampshire Calligraphers and others
Recent Highlighted Projects:
~ Curation and contributing artist: “The Leaves of the Trees”, an exhibition of botanical images and calligraphy at Winchester Cathedral. 18 April- 24 June, 2018
~ Production of detailed drawings of honeybee, bumblebee and fruitfly for Prof. David Satelle, University College, London.
~ Production of taxonomic watercolour illustrations of British Seaweeds and Limpets for marine ecologist, Prof. S.Hawkins, NOC, Southampton, UK
~ Production of osteological pen and ink illustrations of dinosaur fossils: spinal and carpal bones from a giant pterosaur for Prof. G. Dyke, NOC, Southampton, UK
~ Production of taxonomic illustrations of Amazonian characin fishes and osteology for Dr. S. Weitzman, Dr. R. Vari and Dr. B. Sidlaukus, Smithsonian Institution, Division of Fishes (1996-2012)
~ Production of taxonomic watercolour illustrations of a group of species for the exemplar pages of the Encyclopedia of Life during its launch. Also produced was a booklet describing the project and graphics for related web and print material.
~ Presentation for TEDx Woods Hole: Creation and implementation of a slideshow on facing walls of the auditorium showing reflecting motifs in nature, compared at various scales and in combination with contemporary music from Bora Yoon.
Illustration & Design
1996- present: Freelance Science Illustrator: Production of illustrations and design for books, journals, websites and institutions. Recent clients include the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History, the Encyclopedia of Life, the Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Southampton, University College London
2004- 2010: Web Design and Maintenance, Informatics and Design
BioCurrents Research Center, MBL, Woods Hole, MA, US. Tasks included creation and maintenance of BRC website; production of illustrations of cellular dynamics for presentations and journals; graphic design projects for outreach; and organizing a database of proteins which links to pharmacological compounds
1999- Present: Production of prints and greeting cards from original watercolours of species from around the world. Production, printing, packaging, and presentation
• Cards and prints are sold in shops in Winchester, UK and on Cape Cod, MA, through the web (edenart.redbubble.com) and at art markets. Go to shop page for details
• 2002: Holiday Card design produced for Smithsonian’s Insect Zoo, Washington, DC
• 2000: Holiday Card design produced for Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA
Presentations & Teaching
2020: Celtic Knotwork: Basic knotwork techniques presented for Winchester Cathedral Scribes.
2018: Drawing from Nature for local primary school: Introduction to finding and identifying shapes in nature and drawing from natural objects.
2010: Reflecting Patterns in Nature, TEDx Woods Hole: Creation of visual presentation showing reflecting motifs in nature, compared at various scales and in combination with contemporary music from Bora Yoon. “TED: Technology, Entertainment and Design: a cutting-edge, multidisciplinary event presented by some of the most incisive and creative minds…” (tedxwoodshole.org)
2010: Introduction to Science Illustration for Semester at Sea Program, Course (co-taught), ages 18-21
2010: Introduction to Science Illustration at the Falmouth Art Center, Course, ages 9-99
2008: Round table discussion on business and creative aspects of Science Illustration, Guild of Natural Science Illustrators- New England (GNSI-NE), Annual Exhibit
2008: The Encyclopedia of Life, A Digital Page for Every Species on the Planet: Illustrating Biodiversity: Presentation, Guild of Natural Science Illustrators (GNSI) Annual Meeting, Ithaca, NY
2002: Introduction to Adobe Illustrator: Workshop, GNSI Annual Meeting, Lawrence, Kansas,
1997: Introduction to Science Illustration, Course (co-taught), Tufts University, Boston, MA
1994: Naturalist, Queens College Environmental Education Center, NY
2018: “The Leaves of the Tree” , 18 April- 24 June, Winchester Cathedral, UK. A diverse exhibition of work by Winchester Cathedral Scribes and invited artists highlighting many of the beloved plants growing around the Cathedral, as well as botanical imagery inspired by the Bible. The span of the exhibition included related events and workshops. Organizer and contributing artist.
2009: “Natural Science Illustration: Darwin to Digital”, Highfield Hall, Falmouth, MA
Curation of an exhibit featuring juried works by 21 members of the New England Chapter of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, contrasted with historical images from the MBL/WHOI Library Rare Book Room and student work. Workshops and lectures were also offered and ranged from the History of Science Illustration to Experiences of a Modern Illustrator of US Postage stamps. Exhibit listed as “Best Bet” in Cape Cod Times
Summer 2009 and 2010: Curation of the Woods Hole Summer Art Show, including gathering artists and their works, coordinating volunteers, advertising, labels, scheduling and facilitating sales.
Web Design
www.biocurrents.org – BioCurrents Research Center, MBL: Design and maintenance through 2010
www.ecosystems.mbl.edu/ses/ – Semester in Environmental Science, Marine Biological Laboratory
www.gnsi-ne.org – Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, New England Chapter through 2010
1997: Research Technician: Ecosystem Center, Marine Biological Lab, Woods Hole, MA
1994-1996: Research Assistant: University of Maine, Orono and Holt Research Forest (LTER)
1991-1993: Field Assistant, Great Gull Island Project: Long term research of Common Tern colony through the American Museum of Natural History, NY
2012- ongoing: Scribe, Winchester Cathedral. Currently Workshop Coordinator.
Previously Exhibit Coordinator. Additional roles include interacting with visitors at Scribes Desk, expanding techniques in calligraphy and illuminated letters, contributing to card designs and assisting with outreach.
2008-2010: President, Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, New England, a professional Chapter of the international GNSI with over 60 members throughout New England. Presidential duties included planning and directing monthly meetings, organising guest speakers and workshops and coordinating member activities and exhibits. “The GNSI-NE encourages and supports Scientific Illustrators through networking, technique workshops and public education.” (gnsi.org)
2008-2010: Webmaster, GNSI-NE. Creation and maintenance of GNSI-NE website (www.gnsi-ne.org)
2007-2010: Postcard/ poster creation for advertising of GNSI-NE annual exhibits
2006: Lead Muralist, Design and Creation of Nature Cubby Murals for the Falmouth Science Playground
2002-2009: Member and volunteer, Handworks Cooperative Gallery, Woods Hole, MA
Ongoing: Participation in dance events which raise money for various charities (human trafficking , cancer research, support for military families, among others)
Over 20 years of experience using traditional and digital illustration techniques in line, tone and colour. Projects range from scientifically accurate renderings of newly described species to graphic design to murals of habitats and ecosystems. Specializing in realistic renderings of creatures and their habitats, and illustrating concepts which can be difficult to describe with words or photographs.
Traditional: graphite, pen and ink, scratchboard, carbon dust, watercolor, colored pencil, oil, acrylic, calligraphy, illumination, geometry
Digital: Software: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, WordPress. Proficient with scanning, image formatting, page layout, illustration, graphic design, logo design and web design. Comfortable with pre-press and publication standards.
Collaboration and project development: Experienced working in an interactive environment with a range of groups, from scientists to artists to administrators. Comfortable developing projects, from inspiration and sharing ideas, through the development stages, to the final event, publication or exhibition.
President, Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, New England Chapter, 2008-2010.
Guild of Natural Science Illustrators
Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
Hampshire Calligraphers
Winchester Cathedral Scribes
Marwell International Wildlife Art Society (2011-2013, now disbanded)
Handworks Cooperative Gallery 2002-2009
Salisbury (Middle Eastern) Dance Troupe
Featured Artist, Cape Cod Magazine, Sept/Oct 2008
Featured Artist, Falmouth Enterprise, August 14, 2009
Best Bet listing in Cape Cod Times. Darwin to Digital Exhibit at Highfield Hall, Curated by Tamara Clark, 2009
Visitor’s Choice award for “Red Fire Ant”, Cape Cod Conservatory, Animals in Art Exhibit, 2010
Ihara, et al (2020), Cofactor-enabled functional expression of fruit fly, honeybee, and bumblebee nicotinic receptors reveals picomolar neonicotinoid actions, PNAS (Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences)
The Biological Bulletin. COVER, June, 2013.
Sidlaukas, B. and R.P. Vari. 2008. Phylogenetic Relationships within the South American Characiform Fish Family Anostomidae (Teleostei, Ostariophysi). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.
The Biological Bulletin. COVER, June, 2006. Marine Invertebrate Models of Learning and Memory.
Messerli, M.A. Robinson, K.R., Smith, P.J.S., 2006. Electrochemical Sensor Applications to the study of molecular physiology and analyte flux in plants. Plant Electrophysiology- Theory and Methods (ed. by Volkov) Springer- Verlag. 74-107.
Weitzman, S.H., Menezes, N.A, Evers, Hans-George and Burns, J.R. 2005. Putative relationships among inseminating and externally fertilizing characids, with a description of a new genus and species of Brazilian inseminating fish bearing an anal fin-gland in males (Characiforms: Characidae). Neotropical Ichthyology, 3(3): 329-360.
Weitzman, S.H. and Kokoscha, M. 2005. Die Ziersalmler der Gattung Nannostomus sind als Aquarienfische schon lange behannt. Erst vor wenigen Jahren wurden jedoch zwei intensiv rot gefarbte Arten importiert, die eine fur dies Gattung einmalige Farbenpracht zeigen. Amazonas, Nr.2, 43-51.
Li, R., Chase, M. Jung, S.-K. Smith, P.J.S. and Loeken, M.R. 2005. Hypoxic stress in diabetic pregnancy contributes to impaired embryo gene expression and defective development by inducing oxidative stress. American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, 289: E591-E599.
Science Editor, COVER, July- August, 2002, vol 25 (4)
Schwartz, J. In Pursuit of the Gene, From Darwin to DNA: Harvard University Press, 2010. 384 pp.
Smith, P.J.S., Sanger, R.S. and Messerli, M.A. 2007. Principles, development and applications of self-referencing electrochemical microelectrodes to the determination of fluxes at cell membranes. In: Methods and New Frontiers in Neuroscience. Ed. Adrian C. Michael. CRC Press. Ch. 18: 373-405.
Saffo, M.B. Symbiosis: The way of all life. From J. Seckbach (eds), Life as We Know It (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats & Astrobiology), Springer, 2006. pp. 325-339.
Spotte, S. Candiru: Life and Legend of the Bloodsucking Catfishes. 2002. Creative Arts Book Company, 322 pp.
Wolfe, David W. Tales from the Underground: A Natural History of Subterranean Life, Perseus Books, 2001. 221 pp.
Dungeness Crab print featured in House Beautiful magazine, June 2011. Living room design by Lindsay Reid.
Logo design for Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Meeting, Boston 2011.
Illustrations produced for the launch of the Encyclopedia of Life.
“Comprehensive, collaborative, ever-growing, and personalized, the Encyclopedia of Life is an ecosystem of websites that makes all key information about life on Earth accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. www.eol.org
Logo and Icon design for LifeDesks of the Encyclopedia of Life.
“LifeDesks are dynamic web environments that make the online management and sharing of biodiversity research easier than ever.
Illustration for outreach material describing 5 year research ‘Voyage of the Odyssey‘. Team led by Roger Payne and Iain Kerr of Ocean Alliance. Publication designed by RavenMark.
Milius, S. 2008. Biological Moon Shot: Realizing the dream of a Web page for every living thing. Science News, Feb. 2, Vol. 173: 72-73.
2015-20: Kings Somborne Summer Art Show (2020, online)
2018: Mottisfont Open Exhibition (National Trust), Aug-Nov, Romsey, UK.
2018: The Leaves of the Tree, April-June, An exhibition of invited artists and Cathedral Scribes highlighting botanical images from the Bible and the Cathedral, combined with hand-lettering (curator and contributor)
2017: Hampshire Open Studios, with Quartet Art Group, Stockbridge, UK
2016: Mottisfont Open Exhibition (National Trust), Romsey, UK
2012: Open Water, Mottisfont Abbey, Romsey, UK
2010: Glories of the Gardens, Highfield Hall, Falmouth, MA
2006-10: Woods Hole Summer Art Show
2002-2009: Handworks Cooperative Gallery, Woods Hole, MA
2009: Natural Science Illustration: Darwin to Digital, Highfield Hall, Falmouth, MA (artist and curator)
2008: From Observation to Illustration, Art Gallery at the University of New England, Portland, ME
2008: Members Exhibit, Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, Ithaca, NY
2007: Guild of Natural Science Illustrators of New England, Annual Exhibit, Blithewold Mansion, RI
2007: Marine Life, Highfield Hall, Falmouth, MA
2007: Members Exhibit, Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, Bozeman, MT
2006: Fish at the Fishmonger, Woods Hole, MA
2006: Guild of Natural Science Illustrators of New England, Annual Exhibit, Rhode Island Audubon Center, Bristol, RI
2005: Creatures, Coffee Obsession, Woods Hole, MA
2005: Animal Kingdom, Cahoon Museum of American Art, Mashpee, MA 2003: Portraits of Life: Fine Art and Scientific Illustrations, The Maser Gallery, Falmouth, MA
2003: The Art of Science, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver, CO
2002: From Observation to Illustration: Sketching, Painting and Sculpting, Providence Museum of Natural History, Prov., RI
2002: Eden Art Illustrations, The Booksmith, Falmouth, MA
2001: Illustrating Life: Bones to Botanicals, Atrium Gallery, Providence, RI
2001: Them, Jay Grimm Gallery, New York, NY
2000: Members Exhibit, Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, Evora, Portugal
2000: Oceans: Illustrating Marine Life, Sagres, Portugal
1996: Art by Women at the Smithsonian, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
2018: The Leaves of the Tree, Winchester Cathedral, UK. A diverse exhibition of work by Winchester Cathedral Scribes and invited artists highlighting many of the beloved plants growing around the Cathedral, as well as botanical imagery inspired by the Bible. The span of the exhibition included related events and workshops. Curator and contributing artist.
2009: Development and Curation of Natural Science Illustration: Darwin to Digital, Highfield Hall, Falmouth, MA The exhibit featured juried works by 21 members of the New England Chapter of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, combined with historical science illustrations from the MBLWHOI Library Rare Book Room and student work by local science illustration students. Three evening seminars were offered during the length of the show, as well as a nature-drawing workshop. *Listed as a “Best Bet” in the Cape Cod Times.
2009-10: Organization and management of the Woods Hole Summer Art Show
Clients and Collaborators
- Baruch Marine Laboratory
- Encyclopedia of Life
- Harvard University Press
- Marine Biological Laboratory
- Monteray Bay Aquarium Research Institute
- Mass. Division of Marine Fisheries
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Nikos Laboratory
- The Oceanaire Seafood Room
- Ocean Alliance
- On the Water Magazine
- Perseus Books
- Sierra Club
- Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, Division of Fishes
- Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, Department of Anthropology
- TEDx Woods Hole
- Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine
- University College, London
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Southampton, Institute for Life Sciences
- University of Southampton, Ocean and Earth Sciences and Institute for Life Sciences
- Winchester Cathedral