Oroboros and the Year of the Wood Snake

As a lover of circles & curves and how they manifest in nature- I’ve long been fascinated with the serpentine Oroboros- a powerful symbol that bridges the gap between the material and metaphysical. In honour of the coming Chinese New Year, lets delve into this enduring metaphor of the divine serpent.
In Chinese astrology, the snake is known for its wisdom, intuition, and alchemical abilities. When combined with the wood element, it signifies growth, flexibility, and adaptability. As we usher in the year of the Wood Snake, we welcome renewal, growth and transformation- a perfect time to celebrate the mystical Oroboros, a profound emblem of cyclical existence that transcends time and connects civilisations and realms of thought.
Oroboros, a term derived from the ancient symbol of a serpent or dragon eating its own tail, is a powerful symbol of the interconnectedness of all things, reminding us, like the wood snake, that every ending brings a new beginning and that unity exists throughout nature and the universe.

Oroboros: Ancient Egypt
The emblem of a snake eating its own tail has been found in ancient cultures around the world, interpreted in different ways by different societies, but universal in its embodiment as an infinite motif representing interconnection and the eternal cycles of life and death.

Medieval Orboboros attributed to Stephanus of Alexandria, 7th cent. Public Domain
One of the earliest known appearances of the Oroboros comes from Egyptian funerary texts, found in Tutankhamun’s tomb as far back as the 13th century BCE. In Nordic mythology, the Celtic version is known as the World Serpent. In Greece, the Oroboros was adopted by Plato and later Hermetic traditions, symbolizing material and spiritual unity. Alchemists in medieval Europe connected the motif to the Philosopher’s Stone and its balance of opposites. In Buddhist and Hindu thought, a serpent biting its tail would symbolize the cycle of samsara- birth, death and rebirth. In fact the scientific name of the formidable Indian Cobra is Naja naja, meaning divine serpent and representing eternity and cosmic order.
Oroboros from Greek book of spells, the Black Book, 18th century
This distinctive symbol holds significant meaning in a range of fields, from alchemy, psychology and spirituality to physiology, biology and physics, where it is the perfect metaphor for life's perpetual motion and interconnections.
In alchemy, the spiraling snakes symbolized the unity of opposites and the eternal cycle of transformation, at times creating the shape of infinity with their windings. In psychology they represent the process of individuation and self-realization.
In biology, the concept of Oroboros is closely related to the idea of a feedback loop- an important mechanism found throughout the natural world. Just like the serpent consuming its own tail, biological systems often exhibit self-regulating mechanisms that maintain balance and homeostasis. For example, the Krebs or citric acid (TCA) cycle , is a key metabolic pathway- following a circular pattern while producing energy for the cell. Nature, in all its manifestations, is a never-ending cycle, as matter is broken down, growth transforms and new stars are born.

Produced for the Marine Biological Lab during my time as science illustrator. T. Clark
Whether viewed as a metaphor for the universe's endless cycles, personal growth or the paradox of time, existence and evolution- this ancient symbol offers a continuous reminder of the infinite journey of creation and destruction that defines the human experience and life itself. Wishing you a transformative year ahead as we navigate renewal and embrace the mystical power of the serpent!
Happy Lunar New Year! 🌙